
Firearms and Weapons Training Part 1

Everyone should take a firearms class. Unless you have used a firearm routinely as part of your job in the military, law enforcement or private security, there is a good chance you could improve your training in firearms management. Naturally, and without…

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Firearms and Weapons Training Part 2

When most people go to a range or training center, they make the assumption that all of the instructors there are well trained, thoroughly understand their subject matter, are proven educators, and have great supporting educational materials…

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Fear Factor

Fear….. It is the number one item that everyone forgets to prepare for in cases of survival, emergency situations and personal protection. Yes, you may have your Get Home Bag, your Bug out Bag, your SHTF location and your weapon…

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Situational Awareness

The Situational Awareness is one of the most important skills you can learn to master and will contribute significantly to reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim, putting them ahead when something bad happens. Situational Awareness is…

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Concealed Carry

In many personal protection professionals opinion, conceal carry is the best method to carry a personal protection handgun. To most folks, it has numerous advantages over open carrying, such as no one knows you have a firearm, you are overall less…

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Get Home Plans

Is getting home the most important thing in a bad situation???? Well in most cases the answer is…NO…. In general there is no reason that getting home supersedes surviving…. In general during a bad situation, such as a snow storm, ice storm, tornados…

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First Aid Training

You never know when you may be called upon to administer first aid. When you least expect it, you may be called upon to help someone with a medical emergency. It is more likely you will need your skills at a traffic accident than a large-scale event…

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